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How To Prevent Shoplifting In Lubbock And More Business Security Tips

December 03, 2021

security camera inside a mall

Safeguarding against criminal behavior is a major concern for the majority of enterprises -- even more so for small business owners. The truth of the matter is that not every business can afford permanent security guards or other expensive ways to combat thieves. However, there are a few effective and economical means to prevent shoplifting in Lubbock to protect your company’s finances.

Check out the following Lubbock business security tips that are easy to implement and won’t discourage your more law-abiding customers.

Consider Wireless Security

A vital part of any wireless security system is having equipment that you can effectively manage once it's been installed. A set of connected wireless video cameras is a smart first step and will assist in keeping a close watch of your store. It's ideal to select devices that feature wide-angle lenses, detailed high-def resolution, infrared functionality, and motion sensors to detect questionable movements. Hang a surveillance component above the entrance and enjoy an all-encompassing picture of your shop, but also place surveillance components pointed toward the point-of-sale equipment and stockroom. These are attractive places for petty criminals and will help your staff feel safer when interacting with customers.

You can complete your store’s defense with invasion sensors at susceptible entryways within your location. The ideal security package will offer 24/7 monitoring, which will answer an emergency situation within seconds. It’s also wise to invest in a security system that works with a cell phone app, so you are able to check on the store any time you desire.

Put Up Notifications About Your Store’s Protection

The best Lubbock business security tips are typically straightforward but effective. For instance, displaying security notifications at the entrance of your shop and by the register will usually be a worthwhile tool in putting a stop to shoplifting. As a the owner of a business, you should be transparent with patrons, team members, and distributors that your shop and goods are protected. And simply mentioning that you are watching could discourage a prospective shoplifter from considering a theft.

Manage Access To Certain Rooms With Smart Locks

When you restrict entry to places like docks and storage rooms, you minimize the locations where shoplifting could happen. A traffic door or saloon door flaps just won't cut it, as you’re not able to lock them. However, if you integrate keypad smart locks on your entryways, you can benefit from an added level of security for your off-limits areas. Then give every single staff member a unique keypad number, so when resign, you can delete their PIN.

Dark areas and Crowded Displays Enhance The Risk Of Shoplifting

There’s a greater likelihood of shoplifting when prowlers have the opportunity to lurk in low-lit areas. Likewise, shoplifting is a greater risk with crammed shelving units and counters. "Early Bird," Black Friday, and sale specials are particularly susceptible to presentations that are a challenge to keep under control. You may also find that marked-down goods are sometimes shoved on an out-of-the-way shelf, which means they can be easily slid into a purse without being seen.

If you find yourself with a display with products regularly falling to the ground, cut the quantity by at least one third. That could seem a little drastic, but you can always reorganize as you wish. But, you are more apt to spot something amiss when you are able to observe an unexpected opening in your arrangement.

Vivint Outdoor Security Camera

Safeguard Your Shop With A Proven Wireless Security System

If you’re thinking about implementing wireless security for your Lubbock store, you should get a package with the latest surveillance systems and devices. Our Vivint representatives will tailor the ideal solution for your requirements and precisely place every device to properly defend your shop. Reach out to (806) 615-4325 or submit the following form.